
Rules & Regulations


Please click the pages below and read through all rules carefully. Failure to comply with the rules & regulations listed below could result in disqualification. It is the studio's responsibility to adhere to all rules.


Elite Dance Productions reserves the right to add an additional day to any event if necessary.

Elite Dance Productions reserves the right to cancel or reschedule any event.

All dancers must pay an additional fee if they are participating in workshops.

If paying by cheque, please make payable to ELITE DANCE PRODUCTIONS, for all fees. You may also pay by PayPal, EMT, or credit card. No post-dated cheques. Payment will only be applied once it clears. There will be a $35 fee charged to any cheques that do not clear.

The deadline for competition changes will be stated in the draft schedule email. Any changes requested after the final schedule has been released will incur a fee per change.

Entry fees, event fees, and workshop fees are NON-REFUNDABLE. NO EXCEPTIONS.

The event fee is mandatory for all participating dancers.

All cash awards will be sent to studios via EMT after the event has concluded.

All competition fees are per person, per entry.

Each participating dancer/teacher must sign and submit the appropriate waiver to be eligible to participate in an Elite Dance Productions event.

Each dancer may enter a total of 4 solos, and a combined total of 4 duos/trios.

Dancers cannot compete against themselves in a category (i.e. a dancer cannot have two lyrical solos). The dancer may choose to place one of their lyrical solos under a different style, or be bumped up an age division.

Professional dancers and dancers 19+ are welcome for the workshops, and can participate in the Professional, Advanced, or Adult divisions. Elite considers a professional to be anyone who is currently enrolled in/has completed a post-secondary professional training program and/or anyone who who earns more than $2,500 per year from teaching/performing dance.

Each studio may only receive one Golden Buzzer award per event.

Registered teachers cannot perform in the competition unless the routine is entered in the Professional, Advanced, or Adult division.

Each dancer may only enter one routine in the STUDENT CHOREOGRAPHY COMPETITION as the sole choreographer, however, said dancer may enter other numbers as choreographer if they are a collaboration with one or more other student choreographer(s). Said dancer may also be a dancer in any number of other student choreographer’s pieces.

All numbers must appear according to their scheduled sequence unless an Elite Staff Member grants permission otherwise. Numbers failing to perform within their category (or within 10 routines of their scheduled time if it is a stand-alone routine) will be disqualified.

Judges may stop a number in progress and request that it be repeated. If the music equipment fails, the studio may choose to continue or re-do the number.

Routines containing more than three gymnastic passes MUST be entered in either the Acro, Open, or Combo categories.

Competing dancers should be ready 1 hour prior to their scheduled competition time. The competition may run up to a maximum of 1 hour early and dancers will be expected to perform at the earlier time.

Routines competing in any 2024 Fall Event are eligible to re-compete in any 2025 Spring Event. Routines can re-compete at multiple locations during the 2025 Spring Tour.

Routines that have received an award of gold or higher, or any showdown award may not be competed in future seasons, regardless of how much time has passed. Therefore, if a routine was competed in spring of 2024 and won a gold medal, the same routine may not be competed again in spring of 2025.

All competition/workshop attendees authorize the use of their images in photos and videos for any and all Elite Dance Productions' purposes.

No dangerous props may be used during the competition. No paint, water, baby powder, or other substances that could damage the flooring are permitted. Other props are allowed, but must be taken on and off stage within two minutes total. It is the studio's responsibility to ensure that its props are taken on and off stage, as well as making sure the stage is completely clean and clear after the routine is finished. For safety reasons, dancers cannot stand above 6 feet on a prop. Please inform us of any prop usage via our online registration on the specific routine's entry form.

The competition stage will be covered in a marley dance floor surface.


Please contact us for pricing info at: [email protected].

Entries are NON-REFUNDABLE. 

*Deadlines are found on the city page.

Please send one cheque, made payable to ELITE DANCE PRODUCTIONS, for all fees. You may also pay by PayPal or credit card. No post-dated cheques. Payment will only be applied once it clears. There will be a $35 fee charged to any cheques that do not clear.


Novice Division - any dancer(s) who has not competed prior to this competitive season.

Competitive Division - any dancer(s) who trains less than 6 hours per week.

Elite Division - any dancer(s) who trains 6 hours or more per week.

Professional/Teacher - anyone who is currently enrolled in/has completed a post-secondary professional dance training program and/or anyone who earns more than $2,500 per year from teaching/performing dance.

Judges reserve the right to change the level of a number if they feel it is incorrectly placed. 


No dangerous props may be used during the competition. Other props are allowed, but must be taken on and off-stage within two minutes total. It is the studio's responsibility to ensure that its props are taken on and off-stage, as well as make sure the stage is completely clean and clear after the routine is finished. For safety reasons, dancers cannot stand above 6 feet on a prop. Please inform us of any prop usage via our online registration on the specific routine's entry form.


The competition stage will be covered in a Marley dance floor surface.


Admission to the regular competition is free. Tickets to the Elite Showdown can be purchased at the merchandise table or at the door. Teachers may watch the Elite Showdown for free. Dancers performing in the showdown will be allowed to view the showcase free of charge. However, spectators who have purchased tickets will have priority seating.


Videotaping and photography during the competition and workshop are strictly prohibited, and those found breaking this rule will be asked to leave the building. Still, photos may be taken in between workshop classes and during awards. Professional videos and photos will be accessible to studios/dancers for free after the event.


Food and beverages are not allowed in the theatre unless otherwise stated.

All cell phones must be placed on silent.

Audience members are to only enter/leave the theatre between routines. All audience members should be seated before the next number begins.

Talking during routines is prohibited. This is extremely disrespectful to the dancers on stage, and those found breaking this rule will be asked to leave the building.

​Dancers & studios, please keep your dressing rooms tidy!


Entries admitted to the Elite Showdown are chosen by the Top 6 marks from solos/duets/trios and the Top 6 marks from groups/lines/productions in both 12 & under and 13 & over. Judges may also choose to enter 1 other routine in each age division from the weekend if they see fit. Studios who are not represented by a high mark routine in the Showdown, but have registered 15+ group entries will have their highest scoring group entered as a wildcard. Studios may only have two routines in each division entered through high marks (i.e. Studio A can have a max of two 13 & Over groups/lines/productions entered by high mark). All of these routines are eligible to place in the Top 3.

*Any routines from the competition not re-competing in the Elite Showdown are still eligible for the “Best” awards (choreography, technique, & costume).
**Dancers may only re-compete one solo in the Elite Showdown.
***Routines in the Advanced, Adult, & Professional divisions are not eligible for awards in the Elite Showdown.
****At the Elite Showdown, all final results are based on judges’ choice.

Prizes awarded at the Showcase Awards Ceremony will be as follows:

  1st 2nd 3rd

*Prizes may vary depending on the number of entries.


Best Choreography (Junior & Senior) - $50 Voucher
Best Costume - $100 Voucher
Best Technique - $100 Voucher
Moves with Purpose - $50 Voucher
Top Mark Overall - $250 Voucher
Studio Spirit Award - $250 Voucher

*The judges will deliberate to choose the winners.

**Routines do not need to be entered in the Elite Showdown to win the awards listed above.

***Advanced, Adult, & Professional entries are not eligible to win any Elite Showdown awards.

"Moves with Purpose" Award
Awarded to a dancer who empowers and inspires their fellow dancers through their kindness, passion for dance, and sportsmanship. Awarded an Elite Record and a $50 Voucher.

Highest Mark Awards

  • Novice
  • Competitive
  • Jazz
  • Tap
  • Ballet/Pointe
  • Lyrical
  • Contemporary
  • Modern
  • Improv
  • Musical Theatre/Song & Dance
  • Hip Hop/Street Jazz
  • Combo/Open
  • Acro/Specialty

Tickets to the Elite Showdown can be purchased at the merchandise table or at the door.


Future Star: 6 & Under
Petite: 7 - 8
Mini: 9-10
Junior: 11-12
Pre-Teen: 13-14
​Teen: 15-16
Senior: 17-18
Advanced: 19-21
Adult: 22+

The age category for all routines is determined by using the average age of the performers as of January 1, 2025. When averaging ages, drop the decimal point.

Any routine containing one or more dancers aged 22 or older as of Jan. 1, 2025 must be entered in the Adult division.

Routines in the Advanced, Adult, & Professional divisions do not qualify for any additional awards other than specials and their respective overalls.


Acro - a combination of dance and acrobatic/gymnastic tricks. Primarily acro technique.

Ballet - primarily ballet technique. Maybe en pointe or soft-shoe.

Combo - a combination of 2 or more styles.

Contemporary - a routine incorporating jazz or ballet techniques fused with modern movement.

Hip Hop - primarily hip hop technique.

Improv - dancers entered in this category will not be aware of the song being played ahead of time. The song will be no longer than 2.5  minutes. The song list will be sent to participating studios 1 week prior to the event.

Jazz - primarily jazz technique.

Lyrical - a combination of jazz and ballet techniques that uses story-telling elements to interpret the lyrics and emotion of a song.

Modern - primarily modern technique.

Musical Theatre - any routine interpreting music from a Broadway or Movie Musical.

Open - any style of dance not listed.

Pointe - classical or contemporary pointe technique performed in pointe shoes.

Song & Dance - routines which include live singing.

Specialty - consists of ethnic styles such as step, highland, clogging, Bollywood, African, etc.

Street Jazz - a combination of jazz and hip-hop techniques.

Tap - primarily tap technique. Routines including clogging, double-tap tap shoes, and/or tap sounds in the music will not be allowed.

Student Choreography - any number choreographed by a student who is also a dancer in the number (all student choreography numbers will compete separately).

Professional - any number containing professional dancer(s), teacher(s), etc. These numbers are not eligible for Elite Showdown awards.

Judges reserve the right to change the style of a number if they feel it is incorrectly placed.


Solo 1 Dancer 3 min.
Duo 2 Dancers 3 min.
Trio 3 Dancers 3 min.
Small Group 4-7 Dancers 3 min.
Large Group 8-11 Dancers 3 min.
Line 12-15 Dancers 4 min.
Extended Line 16-24 Dancers 5 min.
Production 25+ Dancers 4-10 min.
*Time limits include entrances & exits.


All music must be uploaded to DanceBUG 2 weeks prior to the start date of the event.

Please also bring a backup of some kind to the event in case a technical issue arises.


All routines will receive their adjudicated award. All entries will be adjudicated by 3 judges. Each entry will receive its respective award. An unbreakable tie can exist if the technical scores are equal. In this case, there will be 2 winners. Category placements will be awarded in categories with 5 or more entries. 

Technique: 50%
Performance: 20%
Choreography/Musicality: 20%
Costume/Music: 10%

Scores and video critiques will be available online via DanceBUG after the event. Scores and video critiques will be sent out ASAP.

97 & Up: Elite Gold
94 - 96.99: High Gold
91 - 93.99: Gold
88 - 90.99: High Silver
85 - 87.99: Silver
80 - 84.99: Bronze

*Special awards will be given out during each awards ceremony at the discretion of the faculty.

In addition to the adjudicated awards, there will also be overall awards given to the highest-scoring Solo, Duo/Trio, Small/Large Group, and Line/Ext. Line/Production in each age category from Future Star-Senior.

​*Prizes may vary depending on the number of entries.
*Novices, Competitives, and Future Stars will receive only an Elite record for overalls.
*Dancers will multiple solos may only place once in overalls with their highest scoring solo.
*1st Overall Elite-level soloists will receive exclusive merchandise in addition to their Elite Record.

Overalls are awarded to each age group containing at least 10 entries. Only 1st will be awarded if there are fewer than 10 entries in a category. If there are fewer than 3 entries in a category, no overall will be awarded. For Elite-level solos only, if there are enough entries in a category, the Top 10 will be announced. For Elite-level duets/trios, groups, and lines/productions, up to a Top 5 could be awarded. 

Top Mark of the Day
Awarded to the highest mark of the day at the last awards session everyday of regular competition.
*Advanced, Adult, & Professional entries are not eligible for this award.


Top Studio is awarded to a studio that displays excellence in group routines. Each studio's Top 10 Elite-level scoring group routines in the following categories and age divisions will be averaged, and the highest average score will determine the winner:Eligible Categories:Small Group, Large Group, Line, Extended Line, & Production
Elibigle Age Divisions:Petite, Mini, Junior, Pre-Teen, Teen, & Senior 

  • Studios must have 30 or more registered routines in order to be eligible for the Top Studio award (including solos, duets, and trios).
  • Routines entered in Student Choreography, Improv, and Combo are not eligible.
  • Routines containing Adults, Professionals, and/or Teachers are not eligible.
  • Routines must be entered in the Elite level to qualify.
  • Top Studio will only be awarded when there are 3 or more eligible studios at an event.
  • Top Studio Runner-Up will only be awarded when there are 5 or more eligible studios at an event.

Top Studio PrizesTop Studio will be awarded after the Showdown.Top Studio Winner$500 Travel Voucher + Studio Banner
Top Studio Runner-UpStudio Banner


Top Studio is awarded to a studio that displays excellence in Novice/Competitive group routines. Each studio's Top 10 Novice & Competitive-level scoring group routines in the following categories and age divisions will be averaged, and the highest average score will determine the winner:Eligible Categories:Small Group, Large Group, Line, Extended Line, & Production
Elibigle Age Divisions:Petite, Mini, Junior, Pre-Teen, Teen, & Senior 

  • Studios must have 30 or more registered routines in order to be eligible for the Top Novice/Competitive Studio award (including solos, duets, and trios).
  • Routines entered in Student Choreography, Improv, and Combo are not eligible.
  • Routines containing Adults, Professionals, and/or Teachers are not eligible.
  • Routines must be entered in the Novice and/or Competitive levels to qualify.
  • Top Novice/Competitive Studio will only be awarded when there are 3 or more eligible studios at an event.

Top Novice/Competitive Studio PrizesTop Novice/Competitive Studio will be awarded after the Showdown.Top Novice/Competitive Studio WinnerStudio Banner


The Final Bow award is awarded to a graduating dancer who embodies technical/performance excellence, strong work ethic, confidence, and passion for dance. Each participant will submit one solo, participate in workshop classes, and partake in an on-stage interview plus improv.Step 1:Workshops
Mandatory to qualify
Step 2:Solo
50% of score

Step 3:Interview + Improv
50% of score 

Cost: $50 + HST
All Final Bow participants will receive a piece of exclusive merchandise!

Final Bow Challenge participants will perform their Step 2 slo at their regularly scheduled competition performance time. This solo will still be eligible for its respective medal awards, overall awards, & the Showdown. Step 3 will be scheduled at a specific time during the competition that will be reflected on the draft/final schedules. There will be three questions for the interview portion, which can be found below. For Step 3, dancers will receive a microphone from the backstage staff and will head to the centre mark on stage for the interview. Once the interview is complete, a staff member will come collect the microphone, the dancer will hit their starting pose, and the improv portion will take place immediately. Each participant will be on-stage by themselves for Step 3.

Interview Questions
1. What are your plans for after you graduate?
2. How do you plan on keeping dance in your life after you graduate?
3. What are you going to miss most about this time in your dance life?

  • Studios must have 30 or more registered routines in order to register dancers for the Final Bow Challenge (including solos, duets, and trios).
  • The Final Bow Challenge will only take place when there are 5 or more dancers registered for the challenge at an event.
  • Graduates must be entered in the Elite-level to qualify.
  • Graduates must be registered for workshops to qualify.
  • Improv solos are not eligible to be submitted under Step 2.
  • Solos registered for Step 2 of the Final Bow Challenge will receive their respective medal award and can qualify for overalls/the Showdown/all other solo awards. Final Bow dancers will not receive a medal award for Step 3.
  • If a graduating dancer is registered for the Final Bow Challenge in more than one city and wins at one location, they will not be able to participate again and will receive a refund on their Final Bow Challenge fees for any other location(s).

Final Bow Challenge PrizeThe Final Bow winner will be awarded at the Showdown awards ceremony.
Final Bow Challenge Winner$500 Cash + Elite Record